The Song of December
I know the world has changed
And mainly for the Better
But I feel strange
Wishing that weren't true
For I cannot recall
When I last wrote a letter -
I'm gonna write one now
To say "I Love You"
Now everything is free:

And we're drowning in a sea
Of stuff we'll never need,
I hope that we
Still value things that matter
I'm gonna text you now
To say that "I still love you!"
The Song of December and five other seasonal songs with our friends, Martyn Tiger Lilly, Marcella Puppini Sister, Joe Guillotine and Mara Carlyle is available on this year's audio christmas card from Antique Beat
These cards have become a little institution around here - I think this is number seven or eight. The artwork as ever is by the wonderfully talented Catherine Anyango. You may not be able to see but the little city in the image to the left is made from the words of the song.
It has been a crazy year in some ways - a lot of time spent looking out of the windows of various hospitals but it all worked out. I am so lucky.
"And we're drowning in a sea / Of stuff we'll never need --" truer words were never sung/spoken.
The first half of 2010 was quite the wild ride for me, as I finally dalt with a few nasty demons of my own creation. Luckily I triumphed over the nasties and am here to tell the tale. I am happy to hear that your year similarly worked itself out in the end.
And on that note, isn't it funny how time and distance can numb and dull the memory of even the most dire situations?
They won't ship to Montenegro, and I'm not surprised. Nobody does.
Looking out of the hospitals windows is a very sad business, great that it's all over. Please be well!
I love the version with Martyn Jacques also. Is that version just a guitar? It reminds me of the zither track in The Third Man.
My closest friends and relatives will adore their Christmas cards this year, thank you very much.
Be thankful you were looking "out of the windows" as opposed to up at the ceiling!
I hope you needed a small, wood coffin...
Very true Jane.
And glad to hear of your progress too.
Thanks so much for the socks - absolutely gorgeous - too good to wear in fact - I may frame them
spillyjane said...
The first half of 2010 was quite the wild ride for me, as I finally dalt with a few nasty demons of my own creation. Luckily I triumphed over the nasties and am here to tell the tale. I am happy to hear that your year similarly worked itself out in the end.
And on that note, isn't it funny how time and distance can numb and dull the memory of even the most dire situations?
Mail nix@antiquebeat.co.uk.
She will mail things everywhere - even to Mars
Zurich said...
They won't ship to Montenegro, and I'm not surprised. Nobody does.
Looking out of the hospitals windows is a very sad business, great that it's all over. Please be well!
You are very welcome Tamsin.
Yes it's a guitar - I love Martyn's version too - very Churchillian
Tamsin said...
I love the version with Martyn Jacques also. Is that version just a guitar? It reminds me of the zither track in The Third Man.
My closest friends and relatives will adore their Christmas cards this year, thank you very much.
I did spend sometime looking upwards - partly in prayer, partly in exasperation.
But sure, quite a bit of time looking at the Ice cream vans on Westminster Bridge. St Thomas's must be one of the most beautifully located hospitals in the world..
Daria said...
Be thankful you were looking "out of the windows" as opposed to up at the ceiling!
I hope you needed a small, wood coffin...
I am thrilled that you like the socks so much! I really do hope that you wear them, at least sparingly. They are, after all a (relatively) renewable resource, and I am always happy to oblige.
While on the topic I have just completed the first of your two pairs and which means that the second won't be too far behind...expect them on your end soon.
And on the way, of course are the Socks for Declan and the Valentine Rose socks...it really never ends. I think I may have a bit of a sock-problem.
The temperature is dropping
Keep 'em coming Jane
The parcel may be delayed slightly (as you may know,) but I am working diligently.
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