All text copyright Stephen Coates 2006 - 2015

Free (love) Jukebox

Here is Alex Budovsky's latest - to a lovely, little tune by the Berlin artist and musician Jim Avignon
play the jukebox


paulo said...

Great video, and intriguing song. Am trying to decide how much I like this Neoangin chap, listening to some stuff now...

Anonymous said...

Good morning to you, Stephen,

Today I found your blog and made me feel really happy. Here in Barcelona there are some Tuesday's fans, that would love to see the band playing here... any dates around?

Well, thanks for the music. It's very nice to listen to it at home, and do nothing else but listen to it (in these times it gets harder and harder).

The reason why we are getting in touch with you is to ask you a favour. We are members of MeChAnIcS, an international physical theatre company stablished in Barcelona. We are from Mexico, Serbia, France and Catalonia. We would love, since 3 years ago, to put on stage Glen Duncan's novel (through which we met you, during a week of fantastic discoveries).

We would love to contact him and explain him the project, but it is not easy because we don't know where to send a letter or an email. Do you think you could help us on this one?
Sorry for using your blog to ask for a personal favor.

Thank you very much in advanced and hope to see your band soon in Barcelona. We'd be happy to show you the city!
Salutacions cordials,
Pau Bachero
T. (0034)625687710