Yesterday to Broadway market to drink cocktails for Joe's birthday. He has reached the ancient age of 30 and therefore will not be able to drink there much longer as it now seems to be entirely the preserve of young hipsters.

I was reflecting on how much this part of the city has changed although as you will see below, a few fragments of the past still remain:
I am not particularly interested in Eels (hot or jellied) myself as I don't eat meat and they cannot be easily used for taxidermy purposes but I was glad to see that enough people - and possibly even some of the hipsters - still care enough to keep this shop in business
On the way home, we gave Rosie Cooper a lift to London Bridge. She is working on a very interesting project about The Dead - or what happens to us after we die - not in a metaphysical sense but in a mortuary sense. As we had earlier been to visit the wonderful but gruesome show Exquisite Bodies at the Wellcome Trust and what with the birthday and the eels and all, it felt rather a visceral day somehow.
For no obvious reason apart from the fact that this all made me think of it, here is the mash up of Blood Sugar Love and the Feist song 'How my Heart Behaves' all set to another of the amazing Catherine Anyango's lovely and mysterious films..
The tunes and film work really well together.
What an interesting day you had!! But then, that's London...
O, do not speak of the ancient age of 30, since, come this January I am destined to experience the extremely ancient age of 32.
ps--> Should you require a pair of custom-knit (by me, of course) L'Amour et La Morte socks for yourself (or for someone else,) you have only to say the word and my needles will start flying.
I'm envious. There's nothing left of anything original in my city, apart from the architecture. Everything is being gutted and turned into expensive condos. It kills me.
Very nice blog.
Winter seems a long way from California and these fires Jane but got to get a pair of those socks.
Will be in touch.
It's true that London remains interesting but it is also suffering somewhat from the condominium syndrome and many of the older less famous things are quietly disappearing - if they don't make money. The Shunt vaults have been destroyed for instance.
I suppose it's like the sound of a typewriter - there are already people alive who will never hear that.
Hello Clerkenwell Kid :)
I know that this is not the right place to email you, but I am quite desperate already LOL.
I am Mica Rodriguez, an aspiring film maker from the Philippines. I would like to ask for your permission if I can use the track 'Last Words' instrumental version on my short film? I can send the synopsis of the film just in case you need it. I actually did a draft edit using the song and I just feel that everything fits perfectly. I am hoping you'd allow me :)
I would love to blog about you and your music together with my staff whoare all bloggers here in the Philippines :) I sent a message on your youtube account :)
Just in case, here's my email address Hoping for your favorable response. Thank you in advance! :)
It is sad but true, many special things are disappearing, and once gone, are gone forever.
Pepys provides a superb record of his time: "To Heaven; [an eating house] where Luellin and I dined on a breast of mutton all alone, discoursing of the changes that we have seen..."; presumably, hundreds of years from now, your blog will provide the same insight "Yesterday to Broadway market..."
hey thanks for the link - i just heard about his book the other day - looks very interesting
Wonderful! I can be reached at spillyjane {at} gmail {dot} com .
Oh wow,
look - even the title of the book is disappearing; working in the area it's amazing to see how things were.
Great link Sally - thankyou - it's actually a really interesting site overall.
There is a drawing of Leather Lane which is still a funny street - it has this market on weekdays selling the previous month's magazines, cheap underwear, past-their-sell-by-date batteries etc. But also The International Magic Shop - just go in and ask the staff to do a trick on you. And of course the 24 hour deli where I met a certain Mr Rose one night.
It is a real treasure of a site, as is this, which I have read through before.
I buy jewellery from the lovely French lady at Leather Lane; I haven't noticed the magic shop though - I am short-sighted and have probably walked straight past it; I will stay focused and go in and ask them to do a trick - if I don't post after today you will know that I too have disappeared.
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