All text copyright Stephen Coates 2006 - 2015


Now mad Al Budovsky and I have recently been doing our bit for the welfare of the world by working with Lillipip - a Seattle based educational company producing animated teaching aids for small beings. Here is an example. Very sweet I think you'll agree. The rest of the original text of this post has been CENSORED..

Hope all is going swimmingly for you...


clerkenwell kid said...

Well, quite Nell, quite...

and check out this while we're on the subject: short tragedy.avi

Anonymous said...

That latter version is something that might happen if Brett Easton Ellis was in charge of Sesame Street!
As though those Muppets aren't already high on something...

Stephen, not to be all annoying and pestering, but you mentioned, a while ago, that you had an interview with Glen Duncan that you meant to post. Any idea when we might get to read it?

clerkenwell kid said...

oh dear. i did say that and it's on my list. gimme a couple of weeks and i will try to get it together when i get back...

clerkenwell kid said...

no, it was GOD

Anonymous said...

Thats an absolutly wonder thing you both are doing. Great job!