London is such a large metropolis and such a vast subject that the city itself is the only remit here. Anything goes. We are starting off on November 29th with the very entertaining and rather handsome Dr Matthew Green, writer and guide, talking on London's 17th century coffee houses followed by the mountaineer Marcus Risdell, curator of the Garrick Club speaking about the strange phenomenon of London's Gentlemen's clubs.

The salon is being hosted by myself and the very redoubtable Rossella Black who has been doing really extraordinary things at Westminster Arts Library for some time.
It will take place on the last Thursday of every other month. We will have two speakers on a connected aspect of the city and leave time to converse in a fairly informal atmosphere. Future speakers include authors Craig Armstrong, Anthony Clayton, Sukdev Sandhu, Glen Duncan, London Business School's Andrew Scott, storyteller Vanessa Woolf, fashionista Susie Ralph and host of others. Sometimes we will have performances and occasionally there will be a films. There will also be our tiny London shop and I will be spinning a 'Soundtrack for the City' each evening.
Everyone is welcome but space is quite limited sadly. There is more information and details of how to book here. I look forward to seeing you there if you can make it.
And, in the meantime..