It has felt a strange year in many ways. But then it always has and it always will won't it? I have been avoiding the West End (well, apart from Blacks obviously) because they turned the Christmas lights on in October - which I found vaguely depressing. I like the rituals of winter, like brussel sprouts and tangerines, to be kept well within December, don't you? The frenzied combination of commerce, over-sentimentality and genuine nostalgia can drive you quite Christmas crackers.
Speaking of which, The Real Tuesday Weld have made their annual little audio seasonal greetings card as they now do every year. You can get one, or several, here if you like. Making them has become a regular pleasure. They have almost become mini albums and I often think it would be nice to just make mini albums.The artwork is drawn from Alex De Campi's miraculous film "Tear Us Apart".
There is a version of Poker Face by Lady Gaga for whom I have a certain regard after she sent her bodyguard to assist me when I slipped on a half-eaten avocado on 42nd Street in 2007. It's for my friend David Piper who is Gentleman Gaga.
I received an extremely nice early Christmas present myself today from my friend especially talented spillyjane . A knitted version of myself - or rather two knitted versions of myself in wool. It felt like one more fortunate event in a fortunate year. I'm very appreciative of it all.